Alfalfa IPM:
Detection and management of pests;
Enhancing conservation biological control in the farmscape
Potato leafhopper thresholds
Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) is historically considered the most valued forage in the US because of its adaptability, its superior yield production, and its value as nutrition for animals, leading to its designation as the “Queen of Forages” (Barnes et al. 1988). More recently, alfalfa has become recognized for a wide variety of ecosystem services, including nitrogen fixation, mitigation of fertilizer and other pollution events, production of biofuels, direct food (and protein) source for humans, and potentially for producing chemicals for industrial and pharmaceutical use (Russelle 2001, Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 2005). As the value of alfalfa increases, then the losses associated with insects and other pests also increase. Our lab has focus on management of a classic and key pest of alfalfa in the eastern US, potato leafhopper, Empoasca fabae Harris (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae).
The current economic threshold for potato leafhopper on alfalfa has been robust enough to be continued to be used for decades; however, a recent study questions whether those thresholds should be adjusted downward based on increased market value of alfalfa (Chasen et al. 2015). The release of new leafhopper-resistant germplasm in the late 1990’s has not been widely adopted by growers, and research has also shown the value of including grasses in alfalfa mixtures as a means to increase crop tolerance to leafhoppers. We will revise the economic threshold for potato leafhopper in alfalfa in light of changes in varieties and the potential tolerance by grass-alfalfa mixtures. In addition to providing new guidelines to forage producers and consultants, we will document and demonstrate the value of leafhopper-resistant alfalfa and grass-alfalfa mixtures, which we believe will increase the adoption of those practices, leading to more sustainable approaches to protect alfalfa from this key pest.
Potato leafhopper as a pest
Potato leafhopper has been well-researched over the last century, including the discovery of the insect species as the cause for “alfalfa yellowtop” (Granovsky 1928) and its long-distance migratory pattern (Medler 1957). The leafhopper is highly polyphagous, documented to feed and reproduce on more than 200 types of plants, including many eastern North American crops (Lamp et al. 1994). Native to the eastern half of 2 the US and Canada, potato leafhopper is considered a key pest of alfalfa (Sulc & Lamp 2007). High densities during the summer months result in part from its polyphagy and the source of local migrants, but also because of its high vagility and high rate of population increase frpm multivoltinism (Hogg & Hoffman 1989). In addition, potato leafhopper is a pest because of the unique plant response to feeding injury. The symptom of hopperburn of alfalfa is the result of injury induced by its feeding (Granovsky 1928). The leafhopper feeds on alfalfa by repeated injection of its stylets into the vascular tissue through which plant material is ingested (Backus & Hunter 1989, Kabrick & Backus 1990). Through a combination of mechanical and salivary stimuli, potato leafhopper feeding enhances a wound response in alfalfa that changes the vascular tissue around the feeding site (Ecale & Backus 1995a, 1995b). When this occurs, photoassimilates transported through the phloem build up around the injured site (Johnson 1934, Hibbs et al. 1964, Nielsen et al. 1990, 1999), and rates of photosynthesis are reduced (Womack 1984, Flinn et al. 1990, Lamp et al. 2004). In addition, transpiration is reduced (Lamp et al. 2004) as well as internode elongation, resulting in the apparent stunting of growth. Thus, leafhopper feeding initiates a cascade of changes in alfalfa (Backus et al. 2005) that is ultimately expressed as hopperburn, a characteristic yellowing of leaves (Granovsky 1928), as well as delayed plant maturity, reduced nutritive components, stunted growth, and reduced yields (Kindler & Kehr 1973, Hower 1989, Hutchins and Pedigo 1989).
Because of the small size of potato leafhopper, as well as its green coloration and tendency to fly easily, it is difficult to detect in alfalfa fields when decisions to treat with insecticide must be made. In addition, the characteristic hopperburn symptom doesn’t appear for 6-10 days after the initiation of feeding (Granovsky 1928), so sampling the leafhoppers directly is important for decision-making. After many years of experimentation, the sweep net has been determined to be the best method to assess the size of the population in a field for making management decisions (Fleischer et al. 1982). Finally, since potato leafhopper is a migratory pest, frequent assessments of population size are needed for decision-making (Medler 1957, Pedgley 1993).
Short-term response of alfalfa to potato leafhopper
Although the role of potato leafhopper as a disruptor of phloem function has long been recognized, evidence suggests that vulnerable alfalfa plants respond quickly to leafhopper injury by closing stomata, thus reducing photosynthetic and transpiration rates within 12 hours of the initiation of feeding. In addition, ACi (assimilation-internal CO2) curve analysis suggests that the biochemistry of the photosynthesis mechanism is not impaired during the first 48 hours of feeding injury. In other evidence, injured plants quickly (less than 24 hours) synthesize starch from photoassimilates, even in energy-starved tissue such as apical meristematic tissue (Pirone et al. 2005). Thus, potato leafhopper injury quickly impacts the physiology of all plant tissue distal to the feeding site (Lamp et al. 2004). This evidence suggests that alfalfa responds to potato leafhopper injury by a general (non-specific) wound response.
Much of the research on potato leafhopper injury has focused on mechanical injury by the stylets (Backus et al. 2005). It has also been discovered that potato leafhoppers reduce photosynthesis rate by 50 to 70% (Lamp et al. 2004, 2007). DeLay (unpub. data) conducted a preliminary experiment on the effect of saliva on net photosynthetic rate of alfalfa stems and determined that saliva alone was responsible for a 15% decrease in photosynthetic rate.
Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) is historically considered the most valued forage in the US because of its adaptability, its superior yield production, and its value as nutrition for animals, leading to its designation as the “Queen of Forages” (Barnes et al. 1988). More recently, alfalfa has become recognized for a wide variety of ecosystem services, including nitrogen fixation, mitigation of fertilizer and other pollution events, production of biofuels, direct food (and protein) source for humans, and potentially for producing chemicals for industrial and pharmaceutical use (Russelle 2001, Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 2005). As the value of alfalfa increases, then the losses associated with insects and other pests also increase. Our lab has focus on management of a classic and key pest of alfalfa in the eastern US, potato leafhopper, Empoasca fabae Harris (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae).
The current economic threshold for potato leafhopper on alfalfa has been robust enough to be continued to be used for decades; however, a recent study questions whether those thresholds should be adjusted downward based on increased market value of alfalfa (Chasen et al. 2015). The release of new leafhopper-resistant germplasm in the late 1990’s has not been widely adopted by growers, and research has also shown the value of including grasses in alfalfa mixtures as a means to increase crop tolerance to leafhoppers. We will revise the economic threshold for potato leafhopper in alfalfa in light of changes in varieties and the potential tolerance by grass-alfalfa mixtures. In addition to providing new guidelines to forage producers and consultants, we will document and demonstrate the value of leafhopper-resistant alfalfa and grass-alfalfa mixtures, which we believe will increase the adoption of those practices, leading to more sustainable approaches to protect alfalfa from this key pest.
Potato leafhopper as a pest
Potato leafhopper has been well-researched over the last century, including the discovery of the insect species as the cause for “alfalfa yellowtop” (Granovsky 1928) and its long-distance migratory pattern (Medler 1957). The leafhopper is highly polyphagous, documented to feed and reproduce on more than 200 types of plants, including many eastern North American crops (Lamp et al. 1994). Native to the eastern half of 2 the US and Canada, potato leafhopper is considered a key pest of alfalfa (Sulc & Lamp 2007). High densities during the summer months result in part from its polyphagy and the source of local migrants, but also because of its high vagility and high rate of population increase frpm multivoltinism (Hogg & Hoffman 1989). In addition, potato leafhopper is a pest because of the unique plant response to feeding injury. The symptom of hopperburn of alfalfa is the result of injury induced by its feeding (Granovsky 1928). The leafhopper feeds on alfalfa by repeated injection of its stylets into the vascular tissue through which plant material is ingested (Backus & Hunter 1989, Kabrick & Backus 1990). Through a combination of mechanical and salivary stimuli, potato leafhopper feeding enhances a wound response in alfalfa that changes the vascular tissue around the feeding site (Ecale & Backus 1995a, 1995b). When this occurs, photoassimilates transported through the phloem build up around the injured site (Johnson 1934, Hibbs et al. 1964, Nielsen et al. 1990, 1999), and rates of photosynthesis are reduced (Womack 1984, Flinn et al. 1990, Lamp et al. 2004). In addition, transpiration is reduced (Lamp et al. 2004) as well as internode elongation, resulting in the apparent stunting of growth. Thus, leafhopper feeding initiates a cascade of changes in alfalfa (Backus et al. 2005) that is ultimately expressed as hopperburn, a characteristic yellowing of leaves (Granovsky 1928), as well as delayed plant maturity, reduced nutritive components, stunted growth, and reduced yields (Kindler & Kehr 1973, Hower 1989, Hutchins and Pedigo 1989).
Because of the small size of potato leafhopper, as well as its green coloration and tendency to fly easily, it is difficult to detect in alfalfa fields when decisions to treat with insecticide must be made. In addition, the characteristic hopperburn symptom doesn’t appear for 6-10 days after the initiation of feeding (Granovsky 1928), so sampling the leafhoppers directly is important for decision-making. After many years of experimentation, the sweep net has been determined to be the best method to assess the size of the population in a field for making management decisions (Fleischer et al. 1982). Finally, since potato leafhopper is a migratory pest, frequent assessments of population size are needed for decision-making (Medler 1957, Pedgley 1993).
Short-term response of alfalfa to potato leafhopper
Although the role of potato leafhopper as a disruptor of phloem function has long been recognized, evidence suggests that vulnerable alfalfa plants respond quickly to leafhopper injury by closing stomata, thus reducing photosynthetic and transpiration rates within 12 hours of the initiation of feeding. In addition, ACi (assimilation-internal CO2) curve analysis suggests that the biochemistry of the photosynthesis mechanism is not impaired during the first 48 hours of feeding injury. In other evidence, injured plants quickly (less than 24 hours) synthesize starch from photoassimilates, even in energy-starved tissue such as apical meristematic tissue (Pirone et al. 2005). Thus, potato leafhopper injury quickly impacts the physiology of all plant tissue distal to the feeding site (Lamp et al. 2004). This evidence suggests that alfalfa responds to potato leafhopper injury by a general (non-specific) wound response.
Much of the research on potato leafhopper injury has focused on mechanical injury by the stylets (Backus et al. 2005). It has also been discovered that potato leafhoppers reduce photosynthesis rate by 50 to 70% (Lamp et al. 2004, 2007). DeLay (unpub. data) conducted a preliminary experiment on the effect of saliva on net photosynthetic rate of alfalfa stems and determined that saliva alone was responsible for a 15% decrease in photosynthetic rate.

Injury during late growth of alfalfa and nitrogen fixation
For alfalfa, feeding injury during the first few weeks of regrowth causes measureable damage to the harvested forage, while injury late in the growth cycle is overlooked by managers (Kouskolekas & Decker 1968). Yet, 3 there is clear evidence that feeding late in the growth cycle of alfalfa also disrupts phloem function at a time when the primary direction of carbohydrate transport is directed towards the roots (Nielsen et al. 1999, Lamp et al. 2001). Disruption of phloem transport may reduce nitrogen fixation because of the symbiotic relationship between alfalfa and Sinorhizobium (Russelle 2008). Insect herbivores are known to disrupt nitrogen fixation through the consumption of nodules on the roots, or general injury to root tissue (Murray et al. 1996). In addition, foliar feeding may reduce nitrogen fixation if so severe as to limit photosynthesis, or to disrupt normal phloem function of transport of assimilates to the root (Hicks et al. 1984). Among nitrogen-fixing crops, alfalfa has one of the highest rates (Russelle 2008). Typically grown as a forage crop, the foliage is harvested on a cycle of about 35 days during the growing season. As a perennial plant, it relies on nitrogenous compounds stored in the roots for regrowth after harvest (Volenec et al. 1996). Sinorhizobium is the symbiotic organism associated with the roots that provides the nitrogenase for fixation, although it requires significant sources of energy from the host plant for conversion of nitrogen to ammonium. During regrowth of the plant after harvest, energy from photosynthesis is used to develop new foliar tissue. The plant acquires sufficient growth after about 14 days to allow for transport of carbohydrates to the root for replenishing energy stores, root development, and nitrogen fixation. Thus, disruption of basal transport of carbohydrates through the phloem after 14 days of regrowth has the potential to reduce the rate of nitrogen fixation.
Although the mechanism for disruption of nitrogen fixation by feeding injury of potato leafhopper late in the growth cycle is established, no evidence has been reported to date to relate late injury to rates of nitrogen fixation. Management of leafhopper populations through insecticides during the period of late injury is not common, thus resistant varieties and perhaps alfalfa-grass mixtures may be the only means to reduce damage to nitrogen fixation.
For alfalfa, feeding injury during the first few weeks of regrowth causes measureable damage to the harvested forage, while injury late in the growth cycle is overlooked by managers (Kouskolekas & Decker 1968). Yet, 3 there is clear evidence that feeding late in the growth cycle of alfalfa also disrupts phloem function at a time when the primary direction of carbohydrate transport is directed towards the roots (Nielsen et al. 1999, Lamp et al. 2001). Disruption of phloem transport may reduce nitrogen fixation because of the symbiotic relationship between alfalfa and Sinorhizobium (Russelle 2008). Insect herbivores are known to disrupt nitrogen fixation through the consumption of nodules on the roots, or general injury to root tissue (Murray et al. 1996). In addition, foliar feeding may reduce nitrogen fixation if so severe as to limit photosynthesis, or to disrupt normal phloem function of transport of assimilates to the root (Hicks et al. 1984). Among nitrogen-fixing crops, alfalfa has one of the highest rates (Russelle 2008). Typically grown as a forage crop, the foliage is harvested on a cycle of about 35 days during the growing season. As a perennial plant, it relies on nitrogenous compounds stored in the roots for regrowth after harvest (Volenec et al. 1996). Sinorhizobium is the symbiotic organism associated with the roots that provides the nitrogenase for fixation, although it requires significant sources of energy from the host plant for conversion of nitrogen to ammonium. During regrowth of the plant after harvest, energy from photosynthesis is used to develop new foliar tissue. The plant acquires sufficient growth after about 14 days to allow for transport of carbohydrates to the root for replenishing energy stores, root development, and nitrogen fixation. Thus, disruption of basal transport of carbohydrates through the phloem after 14 days of regrowth has the potential to reduce the rate of nitrogen fixation.
Although the mechanism for disruption of nitrogen fixation by feeding injury of potato leafhopper late in the growth cycle is established, no evidence has been reported to date to relate late injury to rates of nitrogen fixation. Management of leafhopper populations through insecticides during the period of late injury is not common, thus resistant varieties and perhaps alfalfa-grass mixtures may be the only means to reduce damage to nitrogen fixation.
Development and adoption of leafhopper-resistant varieties
Host plant resistance is a keystone of ecologically-based pest management (National Research Council 1996) and sustainable agriculture (Lichtfouse et al. 2009). Commercial releases of resistant cultivars of alfalfa against potato leafhopper based on glandular trichomes began in 1997 (Elden & McCaslin 1997, Hansen et al. 2002). Antibiotic and antixenotic categories of resistance have been identified based on chemical (primarily) and physical characteristics of trichomes (see review by Ranger et al. 2005), however tolerance has also been reported from field (Lefko et al. 2000a) and lab (Lamp et al. 2007). More specifically, Lefko et al. (2000b) used the term “field tolerance” to describe mechanisms that operate at both the plant- and population level within an alfalfa stand. Their research has led to recommendations for an increase in action thresholds for potato leafhopper in resistant alfalfa (Lefko et al. 2000b, Sulc et al. 2001).
A recent published study from Ohio demonstrated that leafhopper abundance in a resistant cultivar reduced leafhopper abundance by 75 to 84% compared with the leafhopper abundance in a susceptible cultivar in the absence of insecticide treatment (Sulc et al. 2014). Alfalfa yield gain from applying insecticide to early regrowth was >400 kg/ha for the susceptible cultivar but <250 kg/ha in a leafhopper-resistant cultivar during most summer growth cycles in the 3-yr study (Sulc et al. 2014). The authors concluded from the data collected over 14 summer growth cycles that the level of host resistance available in modern leafhopper-resistance cultivars provided an effective means of suppressing leafhopper damage in alfalfa. Economic yield losses tended to occur much less frequently than in susceptible cultivars and only when leafhoppers were at or above 3 times the normal action threshold established for susceptible cultivars; however, that observation needs further validation. Furthermore, cumulative forage yield for the resistant cultivar without insecticide treatment was similar to yield in the susceptible cultivar when insecticides were applied about a week late, after leafhoppers had exceeded the action threshold (Sulc et al. 2015). Those results demonstrate that resistant cultivars reduce the risk of economic losses to this pest, and provide opportunities to reduce insecticide use in regions where leafhoppers cause significant damage to alfalfa.
Response of potato leafhopper to the presence of grass in alfalfa
Production of alfalfa in monoculture has been the norm for dairy cattle feed over the past 40 years, however there is renewed interest in incorporating grasses into dairy rations (Cherney et al. 2004). The addition of relatively high digestibility grass fiber seems to improve rumen function and animal health without reducing milk production (Combs 2012). Also, plant diversity in cropping systems is often suggested as a more sustainable method for suppressing pest damage (e.g., Letourneau et al. 2011). The presence of grasses in leguminous crops is associated with reductions in potato leafhopper populations, as described below
In alfalfa, the use of selective herbicides to create grassy versus grass-free plots was associated with significant reductions in potato leafhopper densities in alfalfa (Lamp et al. 1984, Oloumi-Sadeghi et al. 1987, 1989). Kingsley et al. (1986) in alfalfa and Andow (1992) in beans found an inverse relationship between weed density and leafhopper density on the crop, although Andow (1992) noted the type of weed (i.e. broadleaf versus grass) affected the pattern of leafhopper distribution in the crop system. Potato leafhopper densities in soybeans were also reduced in weedy versus weed-free plots (Shelton 1980).
The use of grass crops to diversify legume crops also has been noted to reduce potato leafhopper densities. When alfalfa is co-seeded with oats as a companion crop, leafhopper densities were 80% less in the mixture in comparison to pure-seeded alfalfa (Lamp 1991, Lamp & Zhao 1993). Rye cover crop with soybeans (Hammond & Stinner 1987) and soybean relay crop with wheat (Hammond & Jeffers 1990) were found to suppress potato leafhopper numbers. Similarly, beans intercropped with wheat had lower potato leafhopper densities (Tingey & Lamont 1988).
Therefore, it is not surprising that forage grass-alfalfa mixtures often demonstrate reduced densities of potato leafhopper compared to pure-seeded alfalfa, although the results are more mixed than other examples. For example, Roda et al. (1997a) found potato leafhopper adult densities were reduced 22-48% when alfalfa is planted with orchardgrass and smooth bromegrass at 18-20% forage composition, but no effect at low grass seeding rates. Timothy had a more varied response on leafhopper densities. Lamp (unpub. data) found that increasing the seeding proportion of tall fescue with alfalfa was associated with reduced potato leafhopper densities. Leafhopper densities declined by 29, 47, and 81% as the seeding ratio of alfalfa:tall fescue 5 declined from 0.75:0.25, 0.50:0.50, and 0.25:0.75. It is not clear that reduced leafhopper densities in forage grass-alfalfa mixtures causes a reduced level of damage to alfalfa from these studies. This hypothesis is key to the effect of mixtures on the economic threshold and thus remains a focus of our proposed research.
Evidence suggests that the mechanism that causes reduced potato leafhopper density in association with grasses is the rate of emigration from the crop field. Roda et al. (1997a, 1997b) used a series of behavioral tests to show that direct contact with grasses leads to emigration, while Smith et al. (1992, 1994) demonstrate that plant volatiles from grasses lead to increased movement. More recent research suggests that natural enemies of potato leafhopper are more effective in grass-alfalfa mixtures because increased local movement of leafhoppers in the presence of grasses leads to greater probability of capture by predators, such as damsel bugs (Hemiptera: Nabidae) (Straub et al. 2013, 2014). All these mechanisms suggest that grass-alfalfa mixtures should be more tolerant to potato leafhopper infestations than pure alfalfa stands, thus the economic threshold should be higher in mixed stands.
Rationale for research
The current economic thresholds for potato leafhopper on alfalfa have been robust enough to be continued for decades. A recent study suggests leafhopper should be reevaluated in light of the increased market value of alfalfa; however, the response to leafhopper damage was evaluated only in a susceptible alfalfa cultivar and authors indicated caution in interpreting the results because drought conditions prevailed throughout the study (Chasen et al. 2015). Furthermore, thresholds in that study were calculated from caged trials and the authors concluded they should be validated under natural potato leafhopper infestations in field conditions across multiple sites and years. Using field plots over cages is especially important for both evaluating losses within resistant varieties and grass-alfalfa mixtures since we know the mechanisms for suppressing numbers in these systems is based on emigration from the field. Cages inhibit such emigration, and force leafhoppers to feed on the caged alfalfa. Here we propose work that will provide such a validation for thresholds, and we further expand the scope to quantify the economic loss from potato leafhopper in a resistant cultivar and in a grasssusceptible alfalfa mixture across three states and multiple years. We will also relate leafhopper injury to rates of nitrogen fixation, testing whether resistant varieties and alfalfa-grass mixtures are an effective means to reduce damage to nitrogen fixation. This is important because an insecticide application late in the growth cycle is not practical nor would it be perceived as necessary by producers since it would have limited to no effect on yield of the current growth cycle. New guidelines will be developed leading to more sustainable approaches for managing this key pest in alfalfa, and those approaches will be disseminated to alfalfa producers and consultants using a diverse array of outreach education methods.
In publications, see Avanesyan et al. 2019, Baker et al. 2015, Lamp 2015, DeLay et al. 2012, Lamp et al. 2011, Sulc & Lamp 2007, Lamp 2007, Lamp et al. 2007, Pirone et al. 2005, Lamp et al. 2004, Lamp et al. 2001, Lovinger et al. 2000.
Proximal and remote sensing of alfalfa canopies for early detection of insect stress
Although a general protocol to detect and sample potato leafhopper has been developed for alfalfa field scouting, such ground survey is economically costly, especially when landscapescale detection is needed and in hard to access areas in the field. In addition, potato leafhopper management generally requires short reaction time and early detection and timely control is the key. The use of proximal and remote sensing is an established technology, and may provide an alternative to scouting. In addition, other uses of radiation technology may develop as an offshoot of our research.
Host plant resistance is a keystone of ecologically-based pest management (National Research Council 1996) and sustainable agriculture (Lichtfouse et al. 2009). Commercial releases of resistant cultivars of alfalfa against potato leafhopper based on glandular trichomes began in 1997 (Elden & McCaslin 1997, Hansen et al. 2002). Antibiotic and antixenotic categories of resistance have been identified based on chemical (primarily) and physical characteristics of trichomes (see review by Ranger et al. 2005), however tolerance has also been reported from field (Lefko et al. 2000a) and lab (Lamp et al. 2007). More specifically, Lefko et al. (2000b) used the term “field tolerance” to describe mechanisms that operate at both the plant- and population level within an alfalfa stand. Their research has led to recommendations for an increase in action thresholds for potato leafhopper in resistant alfalfa (Lefko et al. 2000b, Sulc et al. 2001).
A recent published study from Ohio demonstrated that leafhopper abundance in a resistant cultivar reduced leafhopper abundance by 75 to 84% compared with the leafhopper abundance in a susceptible cultivar in the absence of insecticide treatment (Sulc et al. 2014). Alfalfa yield gain from applying insecticide to early regrowth was >400 kg/ha for the susceptible cultivar but <250 kg/ha in a leafhopper-resistant cultivar during most summer growth cycles in the 3-yr study (Sulc et al. 2014). The authors concluded from the data collected over 14 summer growth cycles that the level of host resistance available in modern leafhopper-resistance cultivars provided an effective means of suppressing leafhopper damage in alfalfa. Economic yield losses tended to occur much less frequently than in susceptible cultivars and only when leafhoppers were at or above 3 times the normal action threshold established for susceptible cultivars; however, that observation needs further validation. Furthermore, cumulative forage yield for the resistant cultivar without insecticide treatment was similar to yield in the susceptible cultivar when insecticides were applied about a week late, after leafhoppers had exceeded the action threshold (Sulc et al. 2015). Those results demonstrate that resistant cultivars reduce the risk of economic losses to this pest, and provide opportunities to reduce insecticide use in regions where leafhoppers cause significant damage to alfalfa.
Response of potato leafhopper to the presence of grass in alfalfa
Production of alfalfa in monoculture has been the norm for dairy cattle feed over the past 40 years, however there is renewed interest in incorporating grasses into dairy rations (Cherney et al. 2004). The addition of relatively high digestibility grass fiber seems to improve rumen function and animal health without reducing milk production (Combs 2012). Also, plant diversity in cropping systems is often suggested as a more sustainable method for suppressing pest damage (e.g., Letourneau et al. 2011). The presence of grasses in leguminous crops is associated with reductions in potato leafhopper populations, as described below
In alfalfa, the use of selective herbicides to create grassy versus grass-free plots was associated with significant reductions in potato leafhopper densities in alfalfa (Lamp et al. 1984, Oloumi-Sadeghi et al. 1987, 1989). Kingsley et al. (1986) in alfalfa and Andow (1992) in beans found an inverse relationship between weed density and leafhopper density on the crop, although Andow (1992) noted the type of weed (i.e. broadleaf versus grass) affected the pattern of leafhopper distribution in the crop system. Potato leafhopper densities in soybeans were also reduced in weedy versus weed-free plots (Shelton 1980).
The use of grass crops to diversify legume crops also has been noted to reduce potato leafhopper densities. When alfalfa is co-seeded with oats as a companion crop, leafhopper densities were 80% less in the mixture in comparison to pure-seeded alfalfa (Lamp 1991, Lamp & Zhao 1993). Rye cover crop with soybeans (Hammond & Stinner 1987) and soybean relay crop with wheat (Hammond & Jeffers 1990) were found to suppress potato leafhopper numbers. Similarly, beans intercropped with wheat had lower potato leafhopper densities (Tingey & Lamont 1988).
Therefore, it is not surprising that forage grass-alfalfa mixtures often demonstrate reduced densities of potato leafhopper compared to pure-seeded alfalfa, although the results are more mixed than other examples. For example, Roda et al. (1997a) found potato leafhopper adult densities were reduced 22-48% when alfalfa is planted with orchardgrass and smooth bromegrass at 18-20% forage composition, but no effect at low grass seeding rates. Timothy had a more varied response on leafhopper densities. Lamp (unpub. data) found that increasing the seeding proportion of tall fescue with alfalfa was associated with reduced potato leafhopper densities. Leafhopper densities declined by 29, 47, and 81% as the seeding ratio of alfalfa:tall fescue 5 declined from 0.75:0.25, 0.50:0.50, and 0.25:0.75. It is not clear that reduced leafhopper densities in forage grass-alfalfa mixtures causes a reduced level of damage to alfalfa from these studies. This hypothesis is key to the effect of mixtures on the economic threshold and thus remains a focus of our proposed research.
Evidence suggests that the mechanism that causes reduced potato leafhopper density in association with grasses is the rate of emigration from the crop field. Roda et al. (1997a, 1997b) used a series of behavioral tests to show that direct contact with grasses leads to emigration, while Smith et al. (1992, 1994) demonstrate that plant volatiles from grasses lead to increased movement. More recent research suggests that natural enemies of potato leafhopper are more effective in grass-alfalfa mixtures because increased local movement of leafhoppers in the presence of grasses leads to greater probability of capture by predators, such as damsel bugs (Hemiptera: Nabidae) (Straub et al. 2013, 2014). All these mechanisms suggest that grass-alfalfa mixtures should be more tolerant to potato leafhopper infestations than pure alfalfa stands, thus the economic threshold should be higher in mixed stands.
Rationale for research
The current economic thresholds for potato leafhopper on alfalfa have been robust enough to be continued for decades. A recent study suggests leafhopper should be reevaluated in light of the increased market value of alfalfa; however, the response to leafhopper damage was evaluated only in a susceptible alfalfa cultivar and authors indicated caution in interpreting the results because drought conditions prevailed throughout the study (Chasen et al. 2015). Furthermore, thresholds in that study were calculated from caged trials and the authors concluded they should be validated under natural potato leafhopper infestations in field conditions across multiple sites and years. Using field plots over cages is especially important for both evaluating losses within resistant varieties and grass-alfalfa mixtures since we know the mechanisms for suppressing numbers in these systems is based on emigration from the field. Cages inhibit such emigration, and force leafhoppers to feed on the caged alfalfa. Here we propose work that will provide such a validation for thresholds, and we further expand the scope to quantify the economic loss from potato leafhopper in a resistant cultivar and in a grasssusceptible alfalfa mixture across three states and multiple years. We will also relate leafhopper injury to rates of nitrogen fixation, testing whether resistant varieties and alfalfa-grass mixtures are an effective means to reduce damage to nitrogen fixation. This is important because an insecticide application late in the growth cycle is not practical nor would it be perceived as necessary by producers since it would have limited to no effect on yield of the current growth cycle. New guidelines will be developed leading to more sustainable approaches for managing this key pest in alfalfa, and those approaches will be disseminated to alfalfa producers and consultants using a diverse array of outreach education methods.
In publications, see Avanesyan et al. 2019, Baker et al. 2015, Lamp 2015, DeLay et al. 2012, Lamp et al. 2011, Sulc & Lamp 2007, Lamp 2007, Lamp et al. 2007, Pirone et al. 2005, Lamp et al. 2004, Lamp et al. 2001, Lovinger et al. 2000.
Proximal and remote sensing of alfalfa canopies for early detection of insect stress
Although a general protocol to detect and sample potato leafhopper has been developed for alfalfa field scouting, such ground survey is economically costly, especially when landscapescale detection is needed and in hard to access areas in the field. In addition, potato leafhopper management generally requires short reaction time and early detection and timely control is the key. The use of proximal and remote sensing is an established technology, and may provide an alternative to scouting. In addition, other uses of radiation technology may develop as an offshoot of our research.
The short-term response of alfalfa to potato leafhopper injury is for plants to close their stomata, thus reducing their transpiration rates. The loss of evaporative cooling from closing stomata causes the alfalfa canopy to warm. We intend to use the canopy temperature as a measure of leafhopper injury stress early in the crop regrowth for decision-making. Satellite based imaging technology has often been used to remotely sense, but the spatial resolution of satellite images is not high enough to directly detect the presence of signs and symptoms of the presence of pests or their damage on crops. Currently available aerospace technology (e.g. UAV) and geospatial technologies (e.g. geographic information system, remote sensing, and image analysis) offer an attractive potential for detecting pests and crop damage. Timing and implementation of pest management practices to balance productivity, nutritional value, and stand persistence relies on a limited set of field-based guidelines for decision support. These include calendar date, weather patterns, growing degree day accumulation, and periodic monitoring with sweep nets. Alfalfa production and nutritional value targets could be more readily attained if techniques for real-time in situ monitoring of crop canopies were available for scheduling integrated pest management practices. Given the rapid implementation of UAVs in agricultural crop monitoring, further development of remote sensing of alfalfa canopies via UAVs seems likely. Our findings may contribute to better understanding of the relative merits of proximal and potential UAV applications with respect to adequate representation of canopies with spatially-heterogeneous compositional characteristics and in the face of variations in atmospheric conditions and sunlight as a spectral energy source.
As alfalfa producers manage forage resources for meeting livestock requirements and marketing opportunities, there remains a continuing need for cost-effective support of pest management decisions on the basis of real-time data on canopy health and density of insect pests. Emerging tools that may facilitate this include proximal sensing with hand-held or ground 7 vehicle-mounted instruments and small UAVs with remote sensing technologies. While these systems have provided valuable real-time information for harvest timing and grazing management based on canopy composition, they have been used to a lesser extent for assessment of pest insect density and early stress induced by insect feeding. Performance of ground-based field spectral assessment of compositional variables has not been widely reported for alfalfa and may reflect the potential of future airborne applications of similar technology.
Enhancement of natural enemies in the farmscape provided by alfalfa production
There is growing recognition that biodiversity contributes to the ecological stability, resilience, and sustainability on farms (Philips et al. 2014, Letourneau et al. 2009, Wade et al. 2008, Scherr & McNeely 2008). Examples of arthropod biodiversity of value to producers include native bees that increase pollination of crops, decomposers that help to break down plant and animal debris on the land, insects as food for desirable vertebrates, and natural enemies that attack and kill pest species (Prather et al. 2013, Losey & Vaughan 2006). We plan to document the value of perennial forage crops as a source of beneficial biodiversity on farmscapes, with a focus on generalist insect natural enemies (i.e., predators). These natural enemies not only help reduce pests in alfalfa (e.g., alfalfa weevil, leafhoppers, caterpillars, aphids), but they also disperse to other areas of the farm where they kill pests on other crops as well.
In recent years, ecological intensification has been suggested as a means to better meet our growing agricultural needs while reducing inputs and enhancing ecosystem services of value to crop and pest management (Geertsema et al. 2016). Ecological intensification is accomplished by supporting the natural ecosystem processes to the benefit of agriculture (Gaba et al. 2014, Bommarco et al. 2013, Landis et al. 2000). For example, producers can time pesticide applications and harvest dates to benefit species that provide regulating services such as pest management. Our research will focus on the use and management of forage crops, with an emphasis on alfalfa, to document the key species of natural enemies in the farmscape that critically utilize forage crops during their life cycle. I intend to quantify the production of natural enemies dispersing from forage crops, and determine methods to manage forage crops to enhance natural enemy populations.
As alfalfa producers manage forage resources for meeting livestock requirements and marketing opportunities, there remains a continuing need for cost-effective support of pest management decisions on the basis of real-time data on canopy health and density of insect pests. Emerging tools that may facilitate this include proximal sensing with hand-held or ground 7 vehicle-mounted instruments and small UAVs with remote sensing technologies. While these systems have provided valuable real-time information for harvest timing and grazing management based on canopy composition, they have been used to a lesser extent for assessment of pest insect density and early stress induced by insect feeding. Performance of ground-based field spectral assessment of compositional variables has not been widely reported for alfalfa and may reflect the potential of future airborne applications of similar technology.
Enhancement of natural enemies in the farmscape provided by alfalfa production
There is growing recognition that biodiversity contributes to the ecological stability, resilience, and sustainability on farms (Philips et al. 2014, Letourneau et al. 2009, Wade et al. 2008, Scherr & McNeely 2008). Examples of arthropod biodiversity of value to producers include native bees that increase pollination of crops, decomposers that help to break down plant and animal debris on the land, insects as food for desirable vertebrates, and natural enemies that attack and kill pest species (Prather et al. 2013, Losey & Vaughan 2006). We plan to document the value of perennial forage crops as a source of beneficial biodiversity on farmscapes, with a focus on generalist insect natural enemies (i.e., predators). These natural enemies not only help reduce pests in alfalfa (e.g., alfalfa weevil, leafhoppers, caterpillars, aphids), but they also disperse to other areas of the farm where they kill pests on other crops as well.
In recent years, ecological intensification has been suggested as a means to better meet our growing agricultural needs while reducing inputs and enhancing ecosystem services of value to crop and pest management (Geertsema et al. 2016). Ecological intensification is accomplished by supporting the natural ecosystem processes to the benefit of agriculture (Gaba et al. 2014, Bommarco et al. 2013, Landis et al. 2000). For example, producers can time pesticide applications and harvest dates to benefit species that provide regulating services such as pest management. Our research will focus on the use and management of forage crops, with an emphasis on alfalfa, to document the key species of natural enemies in the farmscape that critically utilize forage crops during their life cycle. I intend to quantify the production of natural enemies dispersing from forage crops, and determine methods to manage forage crops to enhance natural enemy populations.
Adult and pupa of Coccinella septempunctata found in alfalfa. The presence of the pupa is evidence for reproduction within the alfalfa field.
Entomologists have long observed the high number of species of insects and related forms of arthropods in alfalfa fields (e.g., Fahrig & Jonsen 1998). A high proportion of these species are natural enemies, often responsible for killing insect pests. Ecophysiological aspects of alfalfa and other forage crops provide unique habitat conditions for many natural enemies. While the perennial habit of forages provides long periods without disturbance (e.g., OctoberApril), frequent disturbance during the summer growing season can be detrimental to their populations. Despite the large number of beneficial species inhabiting alfalfa, the crop system can enhance biodiversity at the farmscape level only if it serves as habitat for the beneficial species to reproduce. Documentation of rates of reproduction of beneficial species is missing from the literature. For example, forage entomologists are familiar with the response of natural enemies of pea aphids during the spring of each year: rapid reproduction of aphids attracts natural enemies that oviposit on alfalfa plants, and whose larvae consume aphids (Snyder & Ives 2003). These larvae then become adults that can disperse to other crops on the farm before first harvest to serve as predators and parasites of pests. Some species are associated with foliage, while others are associated with soil.
The production of alfalfa on farms may promote beneficial biodiversity on farms overall through increased reproduction of natural enemies. Alfalfa may be an excellent means to improve beneficial biodiversity, thus reducing pest loads on multiple crops on farms (Philips et al. 2014) while still providing high quality forage for animals. To test this hypothesis, we will collect data to estimate the abundance and rate of reproduction of generalist natural enemies within alfalfa fields. In addition, I will monitor the movement of natural enemies out of alfalfa fields. Furthermore, I will use degree-day data, generated by my lab or found in the literature, to estimate the impact of alfalfa harvest schedules on generalist predators. Degree-days, which is a measure of heat accumulation over time, provide estimates of insect developmental time (Logan et al. 2006). In addition, I will survey those species that have larval stages in the soil to determine how general management practices (e.g., pesticide applications, fertilization, harvesting) may affect their reproduction. Although this part of the project only includes Maryland, I intend to develop data to demonstrate the potential for enhancing beneficial biodiversity and develop standardized means to measure natural enemy reproduction in other areas of the country.
The production of alfalfa on farms may promote beneficial biodiversity on farms overall through increased reproduction of natural enemies. Alfalfa may be an excellent means to improve beneficial biodiversity, thus reducing pest loads on multiple crops on farms (Philips et al. 2014) while still providing high quality forage for animals. To test this hypothesis, we will collect data to estimate the abundance and rate of reproduction of generalist natural enemies within alfalfa fields. In addition, I will monitor the movement of natural enemies out of alfalfa fields. Furthermore, I will use degree-day data, generated by my lab or found in the literature, to estimate the impact of alfalfa harvest schedules on generalist predators. Degree-days, which is a measure of heat accumulation over time, provide estimates of insect developmental time (Logan et al. 2006). In addition, I will survey those species that have larval stages in the soil to determine how general management practices (e.g., pesticide applications, fertilization, harvesting) may affect their reproduction. Although this part of the project only includes Maryland, I intend to develop data to demonstrate the potential for enhancing beneficial biodiversity and develop standardized means to measure natural enemy reproduction in other areas of the country.